Dear friends,
Thank you so much for following & supporting The Sunset Sessions.
If you're new here, welcome and thanks for your interest and for those of you supporting from day 1—
your presence is truly appreciated.
This has been a longtime vision to bring to life—and I'm so exited about making this endeavor finally happen this year. There is so much work which goes on behind the scenes to make everything come together to publicly share the photography & fashion collections here, so it means a lot to be able to finally share some really fabulous, unique clothing with special friends and also have others see & appreciate the creative collaborations being executed...
I try really hard to keep everything truly authentic and share legit, very well-crafted
and excellent condition fashions from 60s to 90s.
Many of the items available are either very rare items or were simply one-of-a-kind original handmade/custom designs. The word "vintage" is really popular these days and is beginning to be loosely thrown about, but, I feel compelled to share legitimate vintage items which are older than 20+ yrs and also ALWAYS in GOOD quality or better.
The California cultural & boardriding aspect is very important to me as a 4th-gen native Californian, who grew up snowboarding, surfing, skateboarding all over the state, raised by a long line of passionate hippies, artists and craftsman who were professional merchants & tradesmen, artists & musicians and athletes.
Philanthropy is also incredibly important, as I've spent most of my life either donating hours or monies to non-profits and social causes which I care about, which is why I incorporate the monthly sales donations & help share proactive messages with the social media community.
I try to keep things pretty transparent, so, if you ever have any questions or concerns, please email: hello@sunset-sessions.com anytime or if you simply want to say HELLO or place a custom or shop order.
I'm currently in midst of designing original custom clothing (to be released Winter 2013) and also about to add a few new custom product collaborations to the shop (whose sales give directly back to social causes) so stay tuned for more updates as things grow...
THANK YOU AGAIN for your support xx
SHOP The Sunset Sessions vintage clothing HERE