Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Last-minute DIY ideas for pumpkin designs which totally rock (even if you don't have time to carve them!)

If you're like me and often find yourself running out of time with holiday party prep or pulling together additional last minute gifts, resources—you may not be laughing at the fact that it's October 30th and yes, I JUST bought my little pumpkins on the way home from work last night, before researching a few alternative ideas for pumpkin designs.
Interestingly enough, I ended up finding a few ideas which were actually just plain cool already, and, amazingly enough—styled in modern metallics or dark gothic all black spray paint, then covered with rockin' metal studs...Pretty much awesome enough, I'm not even thinking twice about missing out on pumpkin carving this year. (Have to admit, the fresh salted oven-baked seeds...kinda bummed. But, definitely not the post-carving party pulpy, messy kitchen clean-up.)

So, here are a few rockin' ideas which won't take you long at all to create; and pretty much require: a can of metallic or black spray paint, silver or gold metal facet studs and/or glitter...

original rare found and custom handmade & studded vintage clothing collection

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Very special custom vintage 1970s suede leather Boho fringe just added to The Sunset Sessions...


And introducing, a brand-new custom leather design addition to The Sunset Sessions collection...
'The Topanga' model Brown leather x turquoise studs custom leather cuffs (made from old 1960s vintage leather jackets):

'The Rockaway' model Brown leather x turquoise studs custom leather cuffs (made from old 1960s vintage leather jackets):

Turquoise suede leather fringe top
Turquoise suede leather button-down skirt
'The Topanga' model Brown leather x turquoise studs custom leather cuffs (made from old 1960s vintage leather jackets)
'The Rockaway' model Brown leather x turquoise studs custom leather cuffs (made from old 1960s vintage leather jackets)
ALL ITEMS shown here available from The Sunset Sessions VINTAGE CUSTOM COLLECTION

original rare vintage & custom handmade leather collection


wardrobe/styling: The Sunset Sessions (wardrobe)
photography & art direction:
model: Mackenzie Burnley

Thursday, October 3, 2013


Custom vintage 1960s suede leather set just added to The Sunset Sessions...

Brown suede leather vest
Brown suede leather & crochet halter top
Brown suede leather skirt 
'The Hook' model Brown leather x brass studs custom leather cuffs (made from old 1960s vintage leather jackets)
ALL ITEMS shown here available from The Sunset Sessions VINTAGE CUSTOM COLLECTION

original rare vintage & custom handmade leather collection


wardrobe/styling: The Sunset Sessions (wardrobe)
photography & art direction:
model: Mackenzie Burnley